Annual Awards

Marshbanks awards several trophies on an annual basis to members and their dogs. The following are pictures of the awards, the requirements for the award, and the forms you need to fill out and submit to the Awards Chairperson, Renee Schulte, 7059 Nye Dr, Clyde, MI 48049,

To see pictures of the awards and read about the requirements, scroll down the page. To see the related form, click on the link in the right column.  Any monies owed for a plaque or bar should be sent to the Marshbanks Treasurer


Thank you so much for your interest in applying for one of the wonderful Marshbanks Awards.  Here are some guidelines for applying.

  • Noted on the award description in bold type,  you will find whether the award is for all breeds of dogs or just Golden Retrievers
  • On any of the Award applications, where it says Name, unless it is stated Call Name, please use your dogs registered name and all titles earned
  • The plates on many of the awards are not large enough to include all titles, as there are numerous titles that can be earned in any dog sport.  Therefore, if one of your dogs titles is a requirement for a higher title, please do not include the lesser title.   Such as, if your dog earned a CDX, you would not need to include the CD.  Or if you dog earned a OTCh, then the UD would not be included.  Check to make sure which titles are individual titles….such as a UDX , is a separate title from a UD and not a lesser title needed for the OTCh title.
  • If applying for an initial plaque, for new title earned, to attach your bar’s to, the cost is $35.00
  • Currently, pins, as mentioned on the Award form are not available.
  • Please send this cost to Pat Swallow, Treasurer, 13382 N State Rd, Otisville, MI  48463


Marshbanks Annual Awards

Application deadline February 15, 2025

Award (click on link to the right to view award form) Related Form
Golden Dumbbell Trophy Golden Dumbbell
Kyrie Kids Tracking Trophy Tracking
New Title Plaque/Bars New title
Riverwoods Hunting Trophy Riverwoods Hunting
Topmast Novice Hunting Award Topmast Novice Hunting Award
Spencerfield Versatility Trophy Spencerfield Versatility
Versatile Senior Award Versatile Senior
Wynwood Obedience Trophy Wynwood Obedience
Wilma’s Rally Award Wilma’s Rally Award          
Forever Young Trophy (photo forth-coming) Forever Young Trophy

Golden Dumbbell Trophy

Available to all breeds  This trophy, awarded by Walt and June Faubion, is awarded to the dog earning the lowest qualifying score, regular class, in obedience for the year (AKC, CKC, UKC).

Golden Dumbbell Obedience Trophy

Members should fill out this form and submit it to the Awards Chair.

2023 – Awarded to Casino’s A Star Is Born CD,BN,RN – Brenda Riemer

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Kyrie Kids Tracking Trophy

Available to all breeds. This trophy, offered by Ed and Marallyn Wight, in honor and memory of Kyrie Genever Am/Can UDTDX, WC, first Golden Retriever to earn a TDX at a National GRCA Specialty, Anthea of Setherwood Am/Can UDTDX, first Golden Retriever to earn a TDX in Canada, and all their other tracking Kyrie Goldens, is a traveling trophy to be engraved with the member’s and dog’s name earning a tracking title (TD, TDX, VST, CT) from the AKC or CKC. The trophy may be held by each titlest until the next one earning a title. It should be presented at the next Club meeting, or the Annual Banquet, whichever comes first.

Members should fill out TrophyTracking.pdf and submit it to the Awards Chair.


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New Title Plaques/Bars

Marshbanks Title Plaque and Bars

Available to all breeds.  When members earn a new title with their dog(s),they should fill out this form and submit to the Awards Chair 


Glenbrier’s Try To Tucker Me Out RI RA RE BN NA NAJ NF OJ (All new titles in 2023) Linda & Mark Evans

Glenbrier’s Falconess of Falkirk JH (new title in 2023) – Linda Evans

HRCH Tango Dauninge Sunshine On A Cloudy Day VDX RE MH83 AXP AJP CCA CGC TKA HTHF SWN WCX VCX (new title SWN in 2023) – Carol & Tom Haas

SHR HR Wynwood’s Life Is Just A Dream JH WCX BCAT (BCAT HR WCX new titles) Carol & Tom Haas

Keeper’s Bella At The Copacabana RN RI BN RA RE BA CGC CCA (RA & RE new titles) – Cindy Kelley

RACH Keeper’s Bella Cassi-O-Peia CGC CD RE CCA RAE2 RM2 RM3 RM4 (RACH RM2 RM3 RM4 RAE2 new titles)  – Cindy Kelley

Northfield Moon Dog  CD BN RE JH AX AXJ NAP NJP XF NFP DS AM CGC TKI (C-ATCH OA OF RAE RM new titles)  Laura Voncina

Topmast Double Oh Seven BN RM RAE JH NA OAJ NF DJ CGC OA OF C-ATCH TKI (C-ATCH OA OF RAE RM new titles)  – Laura Voncina

Wynwood’s Legacy JH WC CCA ( WC & CCA new titles)  – Renee Schulte

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Riverwoods Hunting Trophy

In Memory of HRCH Riverwoods Grizz L’Bear CD, MH, WCX – “Grizz”

Available to Golden Retrievers.  The Riverwoods Hunting Trophy is awarded annually to recognize the handler and Golden Retriever team that has achieved the highest point total on the basis of successful completions of Hunting Tests for Retrievers (AKC and UKC) and Working Certificates for Golden Retrievers (GRCA).

The purpose of the Riverwoods Hunting Trophy is to encourage active and continuing participation in non-competitive field events by members of the Marshbanks Golden Retriever Club of South Central Michigan (“Marshbanks”), and to acknowledge the achievements of Golden Retrievers in the field.

Criteria for the Riverwoods Hunting Trophy:

  1. Handler shall be a full, associate or honorary member of Marshbanks in good standing during the year of the award. Handler shall have been the owner or co-owner of the dog at the time the events took place.
  2. The dog shall be a Golden Retriever.
  3. Hunt Tests shall be events licensed by the American Kennel Club (AKC), and by the Hunting Retriever Club of the United Kennel Club (UKC/H.R.C.).
  4. Working Certificates and Working Certificates Excellent shall be events approved by the Golden Retrieve] Club of America (GRCA).
  5. Trophy points shall be awarded for an individual dog on the following basis for each qualifying event during the calendar year. Working Certificate/Excellent points shall be credited for each time the dog qualifies.

Members should fill out this form and submit it to the Awards Chair.

2023  AWARDED TO:  Wynwood’s Here We Go SH, CCA – Renee Schulte

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Topmast Novice Hunting Award  

Honoring the Memory of SHR Gaylan’s Kerri of the Emerald Isle CD,BN,PCD,GN.RAE2,TD,JH,OA,NAJ,NAP,NJP,NFP,TKN,WC.CCA.VC.  “Kerri”

Topmast Novice Hunting Award

Available to all breeds.  The Topmast Novice Hunting Award, donated by Pat Swallows, is presented annually to recognize a Handler/Dog team that has earned two or more Novice hunting titles during the calendar year.  More then one applicant can earn the award.
The purpose of the Topmast Novice Hunting Award is to encourage active participation by members of the Marshbanks Golden Retriever Club of South Central Michigan (“Marshbanks”) in the hunting test programs of the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Hunting Retriever Club of the United States Kennel Club (UKC/H.R.C.), and the Golden Retriever Club of America (GRCA) or Flat-Coated Retriever Society of America (FCRSC)

Members should fill out the Topmast Novice Hunting Award Doc document and submit it to the Awards Chair.

2023 –  Not Awarded

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Spencerfield Versatility Trophy  (New Award 2024)

Available to all breeds.  The dog must earn points in at least two different categories. In event of a tie, the award will go to the dog with the dog representing the greatest number of categories (breadth).

Points will be awarded for AKC licensed events and GRCA events only (WC, WCX, CCA). In order to receive the points, the owner must handle the dog. Dogs handled by a professional or person other than the owner will receive 1⁄2 of the points indicated.

Spencerfield Versatility Trophy

Members should fill out this form and submit it to the Awards Chair.

2023 – Wynwood’s Legacy JH, WC, CCA – Renee Schulte

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Versatile Senior Award

This trophy is offered by Jan Masica, honoring the memory of MACH2 Stonehedge Hades Lady Sadie, VCD2, VCX, MX, MXJ, AJP, TDX, CDX, JH, WC, CCA, CGC. The purpose of the award is to encourage handlers to continue to train and compete in a variety of venues with their senior retrievers. This is a traveling trophy. All retrievers, 7 years of age and older, who have earned either an AKC Versatility title, a GRCA Versatility title, or a Versatility title from their respective breed national club, during the calendar year are eligible for the award. More than one dog may receive the award within the year. NOTEALL RETRIEVER BREEDS are eligible for this award.

Members should fill out this form and submit it to the Awards Chair.

2023 –  NOT  AWARDED

Wynwood Obedience Trophy

Available to all Breeds.   This trophy is offered by Renee Schulte. All breeds, owned by members in good standing, are eligible for this trophy. It is awarded to the member-owned dog with the highest average from ALL AKC qualifying obedience scores earned for the calendar year. Scores to be earned in Novice A/B, Open A/B and/or Utility A/B.

Print off the form and fill in your information, using the (Wynwood Obedience form ). Please return your completed form to the Awards Chair.

2023 – OTCh2 Tanbark’s Just Stay at Home Honey UDX2 OM4 GN – Jeanne Thomas

Wynwood Obedience Trophy

Wilma’s  Rally  Award

Honoring the Memory of

Available to all breeds.  Wilma’s Rally Award is presented annually to recognize a Handler/Dog team(s) that have earned a high level Rally title during the calendar year. More than one dog and handler may win. The purpose of Wilma’s Rally Award is to encourage members of Marshbanks Golden Retriever Club to continue competing in Rally to earn the higher level titles, in both the
American Kennel Club (AKC), the United Kennel Club (UKC).   Please submit your completed Wilma’s Rally Award form and mail to  the Awards Chair 

2023 – RACH Keeper’s Bella Cassi-O-Peia CGC CD RE CCA  RAE2 RM2 RM3 RM4 “Cassi”  – Cindy Kelley 

2023 – Topmast Double Oh Seven BN RM RAE JH NA OAJ NF DJ CGC OA OF C-ATCH TKI  “Lexi” – Laura Voncina


Available to all breeds.   The Forever Young Trophy is offered in memory of  Marshbanks members Ed and Marallyn Wight, both were Tracking Judges, along with being very active with their Golden Retrievers well in to their senior years.   This trophy is offered to encourage dog owners to remain active and enjoy training and competing with your dogs well in to both the owner/handler and dogs advancing years.  Multiple winners allowed.