2020 Board

President:  Laura Voncina

Vice President:  Walter Moon

Secretary:  Linda Nichols

Treasure:  Pat Swallows

Board Member:  Cindy Kelly

Membership Information


Given that our club name includes “Golden Retriever”, it is natural to expect that our members own Goldens. While this is absolutely true, we also have members with several other Retriever breeds.

Marshbanks GRC is a very active Club.  Membership and volunteerism in the Club is crucial to the success and purpose of the Club, to support Retriever Breeds and educate all concerned

Before applying for membership in the club, you should attend at least one membership meeting, which are usually held bi- monthly, often in conjunction with one of the club’s activities. You are also required to have two members sponsor your membership. Part of the membership form includes this provision: “I agree to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the MGRCM…”. You can find them at this link.

Open the new membership application (as a PDF document).

Renewing members may simply mail a renewal check to the treasurer, unless you need to update any of your information.

MARSHBANKS CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS  (click on this link to review)

Monthly Newsletter

 MB Newsletter July 2024


Meeting Minutes

Annual GRC Annual Meeting 1/23/2022